
Watermelons commitment to the GDPR

What did Watermelon do when the GDPR was announced?

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is important legislation designed to protect data security for everyone in the EU. Watermelon is always compliant with the latest legislation around data protection. Read on to find out the measures we’re taking.

What did Watermelon do when the GDPR was announced?

Watermelon was compliant on February 15, 2018, a full quarter before the May 25, 2018 deadline. We took concrete actions and could realistically estimate when we would be compliant. Compliance with international law is very important to us.

What do Watermelon customers need to do to be compliant?

There are two things you can do, depending on how your chatbot converses with customers. When using Watermelon, the following are two considerations for GDPR.

When you want to make use of (distinguishing) personal data in the chat, ensure that you’ve shared your privacy statement with your customer and received his agreement before you continue the conversation. The GDPR imposes large fines when you don’t complete this process.

When you’re working in the EU, you’ll want to have signed a data processing agreement with Watermelon. This is a built-in part of the process of creating an account.

I’m not familiar with the GDPR and want to learn more

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is seen as the most impactful data security regulation in Europe. It replaces the Personal Data Protection law originating in 1995.

The GDPR regulates the processing of personal data of individuals in the European Union including the collection, storage, transmission or usage of personal data. What’s important to know about the GDPR is that “personal data” has a broad definition; all data that can eventually lead to the individual is seen as personal data.

The GDPR gives individuals more rights and control over how companies use their data. The GDPR is more closely enforced due to large fines that can result from not doing your best to be GDPR compliant.

Watermelon support
GDPR compliant: privacy simplified

Watermelon is fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We’ve integrated compliance controls into the Watermelon platform, so that our customers can also ensure they’re GDPR compliant.

Watermelon service

Security is necessary to guarantee the privacy of our customers. We store all data in a secure environment and maintain the necessary certificates, processes and audits in order to systematically ensure the safety of our platform and your data

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